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Lefty Lexicons

Left-handed Lexicons

Did you know?

Ambidextrous, means “able to use both hands equally” is said to actually translate literally to mean “having two right hands.”

Scaevola, the ancient Latin word for lefty, is the surname of Caius Mucius. When he failed to kill an enemy, he burnt off his own right hand.

A “left-handed diagnosis” is invariably wrong.

Rudders on ancient sailing vessels were attached to the right side of the ship, so that they always docked to the left. In effect, it became the “port” side of the ship. For this, left-handers are referred to as “port siders.”

… That “left-handed business” is usually inferred as illegal.

A goofy-footed skateboarder skates left-footed.

In Scotland, the poor man who “must have been baptized by a left-handed priest” was deemed unlucky.


Many of these lexicons have been gathered as far back as mid-1990s from my yearly collection of The Left-Handers Calendar by Cary Koegle (Andrews McMeel Publishing).

Lefty Lexicon

Lefty Lexicons:

  • A “left-handed compliment” is an insult wrapped in flattery.
  • The English word “left” have origins in the Latin word laevus which means “shield” or even “lucky side.”
  • The Irish word for left-handed is coitog. It often implies awkwardness.
  • In German, the word for left-handed is linkisch which also means clumsy.
  • An Australian term for left-hander is “Molly-dooker.”  It’s coined from “molly” or “girl” and “duke” or “fist” — so literally, it means “sissy-fist.”
  • The French word for left, gauche, is also used to mean “awkward,” “clumsy” and at times, “rude.”
  • Ever heard of the “left hand of fortune”?  That’s right, it means to bring bad luck.


Well, not to feel bad, fellow lefties.  You may want to search for “lefty brighter side” in one of the categories.


Lefty Lexicon

Lefties Lexicon

Left-handed in Danish is kejthandet.

Lefty Lexicon

Lefty Lexicon

Sometimes a lefty is called a hooker, but it’s not what most people are thinking about.

A hooker is actually someone who “hooks” his or her hand when writing.

There you go!

Lefty Lexicon

Left-handed Lexicon

Left-footed skateboarders are called “goofy-footed.”

Lefty Lexicon

Lefty Lexicon

Khabbalabra means “left” in Hindu.

Lefty Lexicon

Lefty Lexicons

  • During the olden days, marrying someone with a left hand was interpreted as marrying below one’s social standing.
  • The left side of the cloth is the back side or the unfinished part.
  • How they say say: The French say they’ve woken up on the left foot, whilst Americans say they got up on the wrong side of the bed.

Lefty Lexicon

Lefty Lexicon:

It’s been said that if you go on a “left-handed honeymoon,” you are having an affair with someone else’s partner.

Lefty Lexicon

Lefty Lexicon

In Hebrew, the word for someone who is not right-handed is ectair yad yemino, which means he/she is left-handed.

Lefty Lexicons

Lefty Lexicons

  • In Scotland, pity the poor man who has been “baptized by a left-handed priest.”  It’s been said that it’s a Scottish way of saying that someone is not lucky.
  • A Romanian lefty is called a stangaciu.
  • To “pass the weapon to the left” means to die in France.

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